1 | Achmad Jamil | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Mortality Projection: Heligman-Pollard Indonesian Life Table Construction and Mortality Rate Forecasting Using Lee-Carter Method |
2 | Ady Febrisutisyanto | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Construction of Multiple Decrement Tables using the Common Distribution of Decrements Assumption |
3 | Agah D. Garnadi | | Optimal Control Approach to Data Graduation |
4 | Ahmad Fuad Zainuddin | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Crop Insurance Based on Total Loss: Protection of Farmers Against the Risk of Crop Failure |
6 | Ameilea Chealsea Ekaputrie | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Modeling Claims Filed and Paid on Health Insurance Using the Hybrid ARIMA-Copula Method |
7 | Anggia Somya Sita | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Reserving with a Simulation-Based Approach and Its Application to Risk Adjustment Under IFRS 17 |
8 | Berlian Setiawaty | IPB University | Predicting Conditions of the Stock Market Using Hidden Markov Models |
9 | David Eurico | Institut Teknologi Bandung | The Influence of Link Function on Limited Fluctuation and Partial Credibility |
10 | Dila Puspita | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Multiperiod Mean-Variance Portfolio Model with Constraints |
11 | Donny Citra Lesmana | IPB University | Comparison of Binomial and Trinomial Methods in Bermudan Option Pricing |
12 | Erica Grace Simanjuntak | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Measuring the Risk Aversion of Health Insurance Participants for Coordination of Benefits Scenario in Indonesia |
13 | Espreilla Harin Widhastika | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Modeling The Risk of Financial Loss Due to The Baribis Fault Earthquake Using Vine Copula in DKI Jakarta Province |
14 | Fera Rusanti | BPJS Kesehatan | The Application of Spatial-Temporal Inhomogeneous Model in Forecasting Healthcare Expenditures |
15 | Fitri Catur Lestari | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik | Robust Path Analysis Development for Indonesian Economic Growth Determinants |
16 | Helena Margaretha | Universitas Pelita Harapan | Monte-Carlo Simulation for Risk Management of Cyber Insurance |
17 | Hengki Eko Putra | PT Reasuransi MAIPARK Indonesia | Implementation MAIPARK Catastrophe Modelling for Flood Insurance Pricing |
18 | Jerremy Stanley Hermanto | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Estimation of Structural Losses Due to Earthquakes in the Special Region of Yogyakarta |
19 | Kezya Fabian Ramadhan | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Optimal Safety Loading Estimation Using Ruin Probability Approach |
20 | Maria Zefanya Sampe | Prasetiya Mulya University | Pure Premium Model of Joint-Life Insurance for Critical Disease Diabetes Mellitus with Markov Chain Approach |
21 | Mey Lista Tauryawati | Prasetiya Mulya University | Clustering of Disaster Prone Areas in Java Island |
22 | Nadiyatul Ghina | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Predicting Frequency and Severity of National Health Insurance Claims Using Generalized Linear Models |
23 | Nursiti Azirah | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Determination of Tabarru Premium in Takaful Unit-Link using Black Scholes Model |
24 | Pida Mahani | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Calculation of the Premium for Joint Life Insurance of Married Couple Using Kumaraswamy Mortality Rates |
25 | Primadina Hasanah | Institut Teknologi Kalimantan | Application of Generalized Linear Model to Estimate Weather Factors on Flood Occurrences in Balikpapan |
26 | Raditya Prabaswara | BPJS Kesehatan | Cluster Analysis of Province Case Mix Index on Indonesian National Health Security (BPJS Kesehatan) System |
27 | Randhy Pratama | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Stock Price Modeling Using Geometric Brownian Motion And Deep Learning |
28 | Rico Fernando Nainggolan | PT Reasuransi MAIPARK Indonesia | Implementation MAIPARK Catastrophe Modelling for Flood Insurance Pricing |
29 | Riyan Zulmaniar Vinahari | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Nowcasting Population using Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Multi-Output Support Vector Regression (M-SVR) |
30 | Ruhiyat | IPB University | Contingent Life Insurance Premium and Policy Value using Gamma-Gompertz Mortality Distribution Model |
31 | Sutawanir Darwis | Universitas Islam Bandung | The Earthquake Risk of Financial Assets |
32 | Utriweni Mukhaiyar | Institut Teknologi Bandung | A Bayesian Approach to the Classic and Optimal Bonus-Malus Systems in Pure Premium Calculations of Vehicle Insurance |
33 | Vieri Koerniawan | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Actuarial Modeling for Coordination of Benefit Scheme of Indonesia’s Mandatory Health Insurance |
34 | Vincensius Ferer Christian Wirasugema | Institut Teknologi Bandung | The Construction of Event Loss Tables of Residential Properties in each Kota/Kabupaten in Papua Region, Indonesia, based on the Probability Distribution of the Tectonic Earthquake Moment Magnitudes |
35 | Wartika Syilviana Hasibuan | BPJS Kesehatan | Morbidity Rate of Catastrophic Diseases in JKN Program 2016-2021 |
36 | Wilan Sutisna | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Modeling the Spatial Dependence of Financial Losses Due to Earthquakes on the Baribis Fault: A Case Study on Building Damage in DKI Jakarta Province |
37 | Yalela Sa’adah | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Provision for Adverse Deviation (PAD) Calculation on Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance Reserve Risk Using Continuous Markovian Chain |
38 | Yuli Sri Afrianti | Institut Teknologi Bandung | The Relationship between Customer Locations and Claim Products using Correspondence Analysis and Flow Graphs |