
The Indonesian Mathematical Association was founded on July 15, 1976 in Bandung. As a trigger for his founding was Prof. Dr. L P Yee, but the establishment was the result of the thoughts of many professors, including Prof. Andi Hakim Nst., Prof. Moedomo, Prof. Soehakso, Prof. Slamet Dayono, and others. This set is a container for mathematicians, educators, users, and math enthusiasts, by name



abbreviated as IndoMS. The Articles of Association and Bylaws, along with the Work Program and Management, can be viewed on the IndoMS website at

In May 2014 IndoMS had as many as 1,235 members and those who were active until January 2015 were 1600 people, consisting of teaching staff, mathematics researchers, statistics and mathematics education from 30 public and private universities, as well as school / madrasah teachers starting from elementary / MI, SMP / MTs and SMA / MA. The thing that pushed the implementation of the first National Mathematical Conference (1976) at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) was Prof. Dr. Lee Peng Yee from the National University of Singapore (NUS), who currently works at the National Institute of Education (NIE). At that time he hoped that there would be a conference of mathematicians in Indonesia. He visited ITB Bandung. First he met with Prof. Dr. A. Arifin (deceased) and suggested that there be a meeting of mathematicians. Then he also visited other places namely Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. In Surabaya at that time there was an organization of mathematical enthusiasts consisting of mathematicians, educators, doctors, and anyone who liked mathematics. They run the organization by first holding monthly meetings and these activities are named “mathematics learning groups”. After this “mathematics learning group” activity lasted for one year, finally in 1973 an organization was formed under the name Mathematics Interest Association, abbreviated as HPM. Its founder is Prof. Drs. Slamet Dajono (deceased), a mathematics lecturer at IKIP Surabaya at that time.

The existence of HPM and its activities at that time added to the enthusiasm of Prof. Dr. Lee Peng Yee to encourage the first Indonesian National Mathematics Conference. He returned to Bandung and encouraged friends at ITB to hold a conference. Finally, with the high enthusiasm to advance Indonesian mathematics, in 1976 the 1st National Mathematical Conference was held at ITB Bandung. At that time Prof. Dr. Lee Peng Yee brought some of his colleagues from abroad and held the first SEAMS (South East ASEAN Mathematical Society) Conference in Indonesia. Acting as the organizing committee member is Dr. Bana Kartasasmita.

So, the holding of the 1st National Mathematics Conference, which was held jointly with the SEAMS Conference, was driven by the burning enthusiasm of Prof. Dr. Lee Peng Yee to cultivate conferences between mathematicians in the Indonesian region, and also encouraged by the activities developed by HPM which with a few mathematicians but their activities can run well every month.

At the national conference, it was finally agreed to form a forum at the national level for mathematicians, educators, and other mathematical enthusiasts. The container is now known as the Indonesian Mathematical Association. The choice of the word Mathematics in the Indonesian Mathematical Association is in order to provide opportunities for people who are not mathematicians but are interested in mathematics to become members and be actively involved in organizational activities. The name of the Indonesian Mathematics Association at that time was agreed not to be shortened to HMI because it was feared that there would be confusion with the Islamic Student Association (HMI) organization that had existed before.

It was at this conference that the first Indonesian Mathematics Association was held. Two of these decisions are about the Chairperson of the Association and the Founder of the Association. Chosen as chairman of the association at that time was Prof. Dr. M. Ansjar from ITB, and all participants who were present at the conference were declared as FOUNDERS OF THE INDONESIAN MATH MATERIALS. Since its establishment until now IndoMS has held 19 national mathematics conferences, namely:

Table 1.1 Organization of KNM-IndoMS



To Year The venue for the National Mathematical Conference (KNM)
1. 1976 Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung, West Java
2. 1978 Gadjahmada University (UGM) Yogyakarta, DIY
3. 1979 Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya, East Java
4. 1982 University of North Sumatra (USU) Medan, North Sumatra
5. 1983 University of Indonesia (UI) Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
6. 1991 Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) Bandung, West Java
7. 1993 Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), IKIP Surabaya, AIRLANGGA University (UNAIR) Surabaya, East Java
8. 1996 Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS) Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi
9. 1997 University of North Sumatra (USU), Medan, South Sumatra
10. 2000 Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung, West Java
11. 2002 State University of Malang (UM), Malang, East Java
12. 2004 Udayana University (UNUD), Denpasar, Bali
13. 2006 Semarang State University (Unnes)
14. 2008 Sri Wijaya University (UNSRI) Palembang
15. 2010 Manado State University in Southeast Sulawesi
16. 2012 Padjadjaran State University, Bandung
17. 2014 Sepuluh November Institute, Surabaya-11-14 June 2014
18. 2016 Riau University Pekanbaru
19. 2018 Brawijaya University Malang